Cartmel Fell Parish Council Image


Welcome to Cartmel Fell Parish Council Website


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If you have any queries about the Parish Council please contact the Clerk:

Kevin M Price, Braeside, Low Greenhills, Crook, Kendal.  LA8 8LA.    Mob: 07712430932    kevtherev7@hotmail.com

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings and have an opportunity at each meeting to address the Council about any subject concerning the parish.

The Parish Council, which is the most local level of government, works  with the District and County Councils.  Some of the maintenance work that the Parish Council does has been delegated from the County and District Councils.

The Council has been asked to promote the works of the following two charities:-  

Please Support

The North West Air Ambulance Charity  -  Click Here  for further information

and also

The Great North West Air Ambulance Charity  -  Click Here  for further information 




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